Academy Governance
Who are we, and what do we do?
Concentrating in particular on the outcomes for pupils the Academy Governors, operating through the Terms of Reference, assist in holding the school to account. The Academy Governing Board comprises staff members, parent members and community members and each is appointed by the Trust Directors for the skills they will bring to the Academy. Eaton’s Governing Board is made up of up to 9 volunteers to ensure efficient working practices.
Contact us
Governors can always be contacted via the school. We would love to hear your views on what the school is doing well, and what it could do better.
You can contact Jonathon Carroll (Chair of Governors) at
Who we are
The membership of the Governing Board for the school as at 1 September 2023:
Chair of Governors Jonathon Carroll – term of office: 17/05/22 - 16/5/26
Headteacher (staff) Kate Estlea - term of office: 1/9/22 - ex officio
Parent Governor Nigel Austin - term of office: 6/12/23 - 5/12/27
Parent Governor Vacancy
Community Governor Tim Rayner - term of office: 27/2/23 - 26/2/27
Trust Governor Hayley Sonnex - term of office: 1/1/23 - 31/12/26
Governors are all required to complete business interest forms on an annual basis and disclose any interests at the commencement or appropriate point in any meeting.
What is the role of the Evolution Academy Trust?
Academy Governors are accountable to the Directors of the Evolution Academy Trust. The Directors are accountable to the Department of Education for all aspects of all schools in the Trust.