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Eaton Primary School

Learning Together through Challenge

Contact Us


A very warm welcome to our wonderful school.

Welcome from the Headteacher, Ms Estlea


Our school is proud to be part of the Evolution Academy Trust and we work in close partnership with them.


Our website is designed to tell you all about the school, including how you can apply for a place here. 


Eaton Primary School is a nurturing and inclusive community, committed to developing every aspect of your child. We value our relationship with our school community and work collaboratively with families, parents and carers to provide the very best opportunities for all children. At Eaton, we have 2 classes in each year group and we are passionate about children achieving their absolute best in all areas of the curriculum, and in developing a true love of learning within a thriving and kind environment.

We understand the importance a primary school plays in the life of a child and strive to cultivate positive experiences and memories for children to cherish in future years. 


We offer a full program of termly trips and visitors in every year group to support our exciting curriculum offer and our Year 6 pupils have the opportunity to go away on a multi-activity residential with their teachers.


We take part in the Norwich Sports Partnership calendar of events, run the Junior and Mini-Duke Scheme and have a Smart School Council to ensure pupils have a voice. Children enjoy swimming lessons at the outstanding Sportspark pool at the UEA and all pupils in Year 4 learn to play a musical instrument.


Eaton is an exciting school to be at. It is caring, welcoming and values working in partnership with the wider community.


If you are interested in visiting our fantastic school please make an appointment to have a look around.


Kate Estlea, Headteacher

