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Eaton Primary School

Learning Together through Challenge

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Our Curriculum Drivers: To promote resilience, develop communication and ensure all pupils have access to all learning possibilities both in and out of the classroom.


Our Curriculum Intent is for pupils to learn more, do more and know more. At Eaton Primary our curriculum is focused on creating language learners for the future through developing “Language Detective Skills”. Once our pupils have learnt one language, they will be better placed to learn another. Our chosen language is Spanish, the second-most widely spoken language in the world. Our intent is that pupils become confident speakers and writers and careful listeners and readers, who have a deeper understanding of the cultural diversities of the Spanish-speaking world.   

What do we teach?


All pupils (EYFS upwards): Learn to answer the register in Spanish using good morning and good afternoon. 


Stage One

  • Greetings and introductions
  • Numbers 1-15
  • Colours
  • Classroom commands
  • Days of the week and months of the year
  • Animal and food nouns

Grammar: plurals, writing sentences with set phrases

Culture: Christmas in Spain, Spanish traditions and carnival celebrations


Stage Two

  • Talking about myself
  • Numbers 0-20
  • Classroom items and school rooms
  • Describing family
  • Face and body parts
  • Places in town
  • Animals

Grammar: masculine and feminine nouns, plural nouns, writing simple sentences with learnt vocabulary including nouns, verbs and adjectives.

Culture: Epiphany celebrations


Stage Three

  • Introductions, feelings and opinions
  • Giving directions
  • Planets

Grammar: writing sentences including personal pronouns, nouns, verbs, adjectives and conjunctions.

Culture: Learning about Madrid

How do pupils learn?

At Eaton, our primary languages curriculum encourages pupils to be ‘Language Detectives’ by developing their skills to learn a language alongside explicitly teaching Spanish. The three strands of phonics, vocabulary and grammar are carefully combined throughout themed units and pupils are given opportunities develop their listening and speaking skills before applying knowledge of reading and writing.

Spanish lessons are taught weekly by class teachers to allow children the opportunity to revise previous learning regularly and to develop their knowledge of new Spanish vocabulary. Children learn through tongue twisters, songs and games to become confident speakers before applying their knowledge to listening to native speakers, reading texts and writing their own sentences.

Links to other learning

Music: singing and listening

Writing: using terminology such as noun, verb, adjectives, conjunctions

Science: animals, planets

RE: religious celebrations

Geography: Spanish towns (Madrid)

How does the curriculum progress?

Progression within the Spanish curriculum allows children to build on a growing bank of Spanish vocabulary and phrases. They develop their confidence in engaging in conversations, in asking and answering questions and in expressing opinions and responding to those of others. The children develop an understanding of the differences and similarities between the English and Spanish languages and cultures.

How do we know what children have learned? (impact)

  • Puzzle-it-out Assessment
  • Questioning
  • Learning walks
  • Pupil Voice
  • Low-stakes quizzes
  • Progress in books and spoken language matches curriculum intent.